Foto: Desertbunnyandwolf

Un niño se hizo viral en las redes sociales junto con su perro lobo. El adorable momento en el que el animal le enseña a aullar al pequeño conmovió a los usuarios.

El video del perro y el chico, Archer y Draiden, no es reciente. Fue subido a Instagram en enero de este año 2019 en la cuenta de Wolfdog Archer and Gang.

Muchas personas se declararon enternecidas por la escena, pero otras criticaron la «irresponsabilidad de los padres» de exponer al niño a una «bestia salvaje».

En consecuencia, la familia debió hacer la aclaratoria de que Archer no es un lobo salvaje ni puro.

Los wolfdogs son una especie canina producto del cruce entre un lobo gris y un perro. Y Archer, explica el comunicado, es muy cariñoso con el niño. «Draiden está completamente a salvo, han estado juntos desde que ambos eran bebés», escribió su madre.

Indicó que, a pesar de la buena química del dúo, nunca los deja sin supervisión. Reconoció que los perros lobo pueden derribar fácilmente a los niños pequeños y que todos los animales tienen personalidades diferentes y algunos niños y perros lobo «no se mezclan bien».

No es este el caso.

La adorable familia con dos pequeños, Draiden y su hermana, no solo tiene a Archer sino también a Sol y Luna, además de Cricket, uno «mezclado». En Instagram tienen una comunidad de 214.000 seguidores.

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Please read: Archer is NOT a wild wolf and he is not a pure wolf. Draiden is completely safe and these two have been around each other since they were both babies. While Archer is comfortable with kids he knows. Not all wolf dogs are. Some are ok with children and some aren’t. I never leave them unattended and only allow interaction with strict rules. Wolf dogs can be mouthy and easily knock down small children. All animals have different personalities and some children and wolf dogs do not mix well. #archer #draiden #wherethewildthingsare #homesweethome #aboyandhisdog #dogsofinsta #animalsdoingthings #friendshipgoals❤️ #howl #housewolf #wolfdogs #wolfdogcommunity #animallover

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“I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you, except for yourself.” ~ Rita Mae Brown Social media can be a wonderful thing, but by putting yourself out there, you will receive criticism. It’s either too much or not enough to some people. I post from the heart of my everyday life. Some days it’s exhausting and very frustrating. Other days go smoothly and all my effort seems worth it to have Archer laying beside me on the couch at night. I talk many people out of getting a wolfdog because when they ask me what it’s like, I tell the truth and that it’s difficult & time consuming, but I also show the other side. I always let people know, not all results will be the same. Yours may not be comfortable around children or meeting new people. Every animal is unique, just like their owners and so much depends on the home life situation, training and the individual animal. I refuse to say that these animals are all good or bad. I also refuse to say that something can or can’t be done. I can promise you I will always post OUR reality. I will be here if you have questions or concerns & would like to talk . I’m no expert, but I’ll give you my honest opinion. What I won’t do is apologize for things I do with my wolf dog, such as having him in the house, around the kids, or how I post on my account. I have worked hard with Archer to be able to do that and it’s important to show what they are capable of . Has it been easy? No. It’s totally ok if an animal isn’t inside, in fact many wolf dogs prefer being outside. Only you know your animal and what’s best for your situation . Don’t let others put you in their box of how something should or shouldn’t be done. Of course, be responsible. Research, spay and neuter & be sure you’re able to provide for your animals needs, or wait until you can. The main goal should be a happy, safe, healthy and loved animal. * * #archer #wolfdogs ##wolfdogcommunity #dontconform #youdoyou #animallover #doglovers #beresponsible

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A few of you were asking about Cricket. She’s doing great! Sometimes she is separated from Archer at playtime, so she may not be in all the pictures. It’s for her safety. Archer plays very rough and I don’t want her getting hurt. Otherwise , they’re all together most the day. Cricket can also get overwhelmed with too many people, or activities that are noisy and rambunctious. She was used to being alone and still has some nervous tendencies. She has a gate she can use to go find quiet time when she needs it. Cricket is most comfortable one on one and going for walks. I see her confidence growing more and more. She’s come a long way and appears to be very happy. 😊 * * * #cricket #sol #rescuedog #shepherd #husky #malamute #lowcontentwolfdog #dogslife #dogsofinstgram #animallover #bedhogs #kidsanddogs #furryfriends

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